Top 7 Best Substitutes for Milk Powder in Bread (2024)

Marria Beklavac By Marria Beklavac
🍞 Say goodbye to dry milk and hello to delicious bread with these 7 game-changing substitutes! From creamy yogurt to nutty almond milk, each one brings its own unique flavor and texture to your loaves. Get ready to level UP your baking game and impress your taste buds. Let's get kneading! 🥛🥖

Milk powder is a staple in many bread recipes, but what if you don’t have any on hand or want to try something new?

The best substitutes for milk powder in bread include regular milk, plant-based milks like soy or almond, yogurt, buttermilk, and cream. These alternatives not only provide moisture and richness but also add unique flavors and textures to your loaves, from tangy buttermilk to creamy coconut milk.

I’ve rounded up 7 game-changing substitutes that will take your bread baking to the next level. Get ready to experiment and create your new favorite loaf!

1. Soy Milk

Want to make your bread softer and richer without much fuss? Try swapping the water in your recipe with soy milk. Yep, it’s that easy. But why soy milk, you might ask?

Well, besides being a great dairy-free alternative, it packs a punch with high-quality protein. This isn’t just good for your muscles; it makes your bread taste amazing too.

Ever bitten into a slice of bread and thought, ‘Hmm, this could be softer’? Soy milk is your answer. It turns your average loaf into a tender, mouth-watering treat. And let’s not forget the subtle sweetness and depth of flavor it brings to the table—something plain water can’t compete with.

But here’s the kicker: using soy milk can speed up the fermentation process because of that extra protein. So, keep an eye on your dough, and don’t let it over-rise.

Want to keep the bread’s original taste intact? Go for unsweetened and unflavored soy milk. This way, you’re not throwing in any curveballs to your taste buds.

Now, you might be thinking, ‘Won’t this change the texture too much?’ Not at all. The trick is to use it in the right measure.

Replace the water with an equal amount of soy milk, and you’re golden. Remember, we’re aiming for bread that’s soft, not a cake.

And here’s a pro tip: always check your dough’s consistency. Depending on the brand, soy milk can be thicker than water, so you might need to adjust your flour a bit. Just add it gradually until the dough feels right—smooth, elastic, and not too sticky.

2. Almond Milk

Are you searching for a non-dairy substitute for dry milk in your bread recipes? Consider almond milk.

This plant-based alternative is not only dairy-free but also lends a subtle, nutty flavor to your bread. It’s a simple swap: replace the amount of dry milk in your recipe with an equal amount of almond milk.

How to Use:

  • Measure: Use a one-to-one ratio when substituting almond milk for dry milk.
  • Texture and Taste: Almond milk can enhance the bread’s flavor while maintaining a tender crumb.
  • Unsweetened Variants: Choose unsweetened almond milk to avoid adding extra sugar to your recipe.


  • Great for those with dairy sensitivities.
  • Adds a hint of almond flavor, which pairs well with other ingredients.
  • Easy to find in stores or to make at home.

Preparation Tips

If you’re using almond milk in yeast bread, heat it to the same temperature you would other milk types to help the yeast activate. Remember, bread recipes can be quite forgiving. If your dough seems too dry, add a little extra almond milk until you reach the desired consistency.

So, next time you’re baking, give almond milk a try. It could be the perfect twist to your usual loaf, providing a delightful taste and texture while keeping things dairy-free.

3. Coconut Milk

Swap out the water for coconut milk in your next baking project and brace yourself for a delightful twist. Ever wondered how to give your bread that creamy texture and a kick of sweetness without going overboard?

Coconut milk is your answer. Straight from the heart of mature coconuts, this rich liquid is a game-changer for both savory loaves and sweet treats.

Why coconut milk, you ask? Well, it’s not just about the unique flavor. This magic ingredient works wonders in softening the bread’s texture, ensuring each bite is as tender as it’s tasty. Perfect for anyone keen on baking bread that doesn’t just taste good but feels good too.

Thinking of whipping up some tropical-inspired bread or sweet rolls that steal the show at family gatherings? Coconut milk is your secret weapon. But don’t just take my word for it; the proof is in the pudding, or in this case, the bread.

Here’s the kicker: coconut milk isn’t just for the exotic recipes. It adds a subtle sweetness and richness to even the simplest of bread, making it a versatile pick for your baking adventures.

And before you worry about the switch from water to coconut milk complicating things, let me stop you right there. It’s as easy as it gets.

Simply substitute coconut milk for water in your favorite bread recipe. That’s it. There are no fancy techniques or obscure baking terms—just a straightforward swap with mouthwatering results.

4. Yogurt

Using yogurt in bread can be an ingenious twist to traditional recipes. Plain, unsweetened yogurt is an excellent substitute for dry milk, thanks to its similar dairy content. Its richness in protein and fat mirrors that of milk, contributing positively to the bread’s texture.

Substitution Ratio:

Replace dry milk with an equal amount of yogurt to keep the consistency of the dough similar. If your recipe calls for 1/2 cup of dry milk, you’ll use 1/2 cup of yogurt instead.


  • Adds a tangy flavor to your bread
  • Introduces more tenderness to the crumb
  • Helps with fermentation


  • Yogurt’s acidity may speed up yeast activity, so watch your dough closely as it may prove faster.
  • It might also require adjusting liquid content elsewhere in your recipe to maintain balance.

Type of Yogurt:

Opt for plain varieties to avoid any unwanted flavors. Greek yogurt is thicker and richer, which can enhance the bread’s moisture content. If using Greek yogurt, you might need a splash more liquid to achieve the right dough consistency.

Remember, using yogurt isn’t just a workaround; it’s a chance to add depth and personal touch to your homemade bread. So next time you’re out of dry milk, reaching for the yogurt could be your smart move.

5. Buttermilk

Why stick to water when buttermilk can take your baking from good to unforgettable? Swapping water for buttermilk in recipes like biscuits, scones, and soda bread isn’t just a hack; it’s a game-changer.

Buttermilk brings a rich, tangy flavor and creates a tender crumb that’ll have everyone asking for your secret.

Ever wondered why buttermilk makes such a difference? It’s all about the chemistry. Buttermilk is slightly acidic, which means it reacts with baking soda or baking powder in your dough, leading to a magical lift.

This gives you a lighter, airier texture that’s tough to achieve with water. Plus, that tangy taste? It adds a depth of flavor that water just can’t match.

But, there’s a catch. Buttermilk is thicker than water, so you might need to tweak your recipe a bit. Sometimes, you’ll find yourself adding a touch more buttermilk to get the dough or batter just right. Don’t sweat this step—consider it a small price to pay for bakery-level goodness at home.

Think of buttermilk as your secret weapon in the kitchen. Its unique properties can elevate simple recipes, making your baked goods stand out. Whether you’re a seasoned baker or just starting, incorporating buttermilk into your recipes is a surefire way to impress.

So, how do you make the switch? Start by replacing the water in your recipe with the same amount of buttermilk. From there, adjust as needed.

If your dough feels too stiff, add a bit more buttermilk until it reaches the right consistency. Remember, baking is part science, part art, so don’t be afraid to experiment.

In the end, choosing buttermilk over water is about more than just taste and texture. It’s about taking your baking to the next level and enjoying the journey along the way. So, why not give it a try? You might just find that buttermilk becomes your go-to ingredient for all things baked.

6. Cream

Ever thought about swapping out buttermilk for cream in your bread recipes? Using cream as a substitute for dry milk in bread recipes is a practical choice. Cream introduces a rich flavor profile and can also enhance the tender texture of your bread.

If your bread recipe requires dry milk, a reasonable substitute is to replace each quarter cup of dry milk with a third cup of cream.

Ingredients & Ratios:

  • Heavy cream: Swap in a 1:1 ratio for water/milk in the recipe and omit dry milk.
  • Half-and-half: Lighter than heavy cream with a 10-18% fat content. Use in the same manner as heavy cream.

Adjustments to Consider:

  1. Liquid Ratios: Because cream is higher in fat and has a thicker consistency compared to dry milk, you might need to slightly decrease the amount of other wet ingredients to compensate.
  2. Yeast Activity: Be mindful that the fat in cream could coat the yeast, potentially affecting its activity. Ensure your yeast still has sufficient contact with the dough’s sugars to rise effectively.


  • Adds a luscious richness to the bread.
  • Enhances the bread’s color to a golden hue due to the fat content.

Tip: Always use unsweetened cream to avoid altering the expected taste of your bread. Remember, some experimenting with the exact ratios and ingredients may be necessary to achieve the perfect texture and flavor for your specific bread recipe.

7. Soy Milk Powder

Soy milk powder provides a convenient and versatile substitute for dry milk in bread recipes. For those who prefer plant-based ingredients or have dietary restrictions, this option can align with your needs.


  • Soy milk powder is dairy-free, making it ideal for vegans and individuals with lactose intolerance.
  • It contributes a comparable amount of protein to bread, which is crucial for texture and structure.
  • Its mild flavor doesn’t overpower the taste of your bread.

How to Use: Replace the dry milk measurement in your recipe with an equal amount of soy milk powder. If the recipe calls for liquid milk, reconstitute the soy milk powder by mixing it with water first. The typical ratio is 1 part soy milk powder to 3 parts water.


  • Choose unsweetened soy milk powder to prevent altering the intended sweetness of your bread.
  • To ensure freshness, store your soy milk powder in a cool, dry place away from strong odors, as it can absorb them.

In preparing bread with soy milk powder, you’ll preserve the bread’s texture and be able to enjoy the added health benefits of soy, like essential amino acids. It’s also convenient, as it increases the shelf life of your bread mix, enabling you to bake whenever the mood strikes.

Keep in mind that some brands may differ in concentration, so you might need to adjust your recipe slightly. You could also tweak the water content to achieve the desired dough consistency. Simple and efficient, soy milk powder can make your next loaf of bread just as delightful and satisfying.

7 Best Substitutes For Dry Milk in Bread

🍞 Say goodbye to dry milk and hello to delicious bread with these 7 game-changing substitutes! From creamy yogurt to nutty almond milk, each one brings its own unique flavor and texture to your loaves. Get ready to level UP your baking game and impress your taste buds. Let's get kneading! 🥛🥖
No ratings yet
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Course Side Dish
Cuisine American, Italian, Mediterranean
Calories 132 kcal


  • 1 Mixing bowl You'll need a large mixing bowl to combine the ingredients and a smaller one for proofing the yeast, if needed.
  • 1 Measuring cups & spoons Accurate measurements are crucial in baking, so have a set of measuring cups and spoons on hand.
  • 1 Stand mixer or hand mixer While not essential, a stand mixer or hand mixer can make kneading the dough easier and more efficient.
  • 1 Baking pans or sheets Depending on the type of bread you're making, you might need loaf pans, baking sheets, or a muffin tin.
  • 1 Cooling rack After baking, it's important to let the bread cool on a wire rack to prevent it from getting soggy.
  • Kitchen scale For precise measurements, especially when working with yeast doughs, a kitchen scale can be very helpful.
  • Bread knife To slice your freshly baked bread, use a sharp bread knife or serrated knife for best results.


Basic Ingredients

  • Water: Needed if you’re using a powdered milk substitute.
  • Flour: Bread flour or all-purpose flour works best for most bread recipes.
  • Yeast: Active dry yeast or instant yeast to help the bread rise.
  • Salt: Enhances flavor and controls yeast growth.
  • Sugar: Feeds the yeast and adds a slight sweetness to the bread.
  • Butter or Oil: Adds moisture and flavor to the bread.

Dry Milk Substitute (Choose One):

  • Liquid Milk: Dairy or any plant-based milk like almond soy, or oat milk.
  • Almond Milk Powder: Adds a nutty flavor and can be used in a 1:1 ratio with dry milk.
  • Coconut Milk Powder: Provides a hint of coconut flavor.
  • Soy Milk Powder: A non-dairy substitute that mimics the properties of dry milk.
  • Rice Milk Powder: Offers a slightly sweet taste and light texture.
  • Oat Milk Powder: Brings a mild flavor and creamy texture.
  • Potato Milk Powder: Gives a neutral taste, suitable for various dietary needs.

Optional Ingredients:

  • Eggs: Some bread recipes might include eggs for richness and structure.
  • Sweeteners: Additional sugar, honey, or maple syrup for flavor.
  • Seasonings: Such as herbs, garlic, or onions for savory bread.
  • Dried Fruits or Nuts: For added texture and taste.


  • Soy Milk: Substitute soy milk for the water in the recipe as a dairy-free alternative. It adds protein and creates a soft, tender crumb.
  • Almond Milk: Use unsweetened almond milk in place of the water for a nutty flavor and dairy-free option. It works well in most bread recipes.
  • Coconut Milk: Replace the water with coconut milk for a rich, slightly sweet flavor. It’s a good choice for tropical-inspired breads or sweet rolls.
  • Yogurt: Substitute the water with plain yogurt for a tangy flavor and moist texture. Greek yogurt works particularly well due to its thickness.
  • Buttermilk: Use buttermilk in place of the water for a rich, tangy flavor and tender crumb. It’s perfect for biscuits, scones, and soda bread.
  • Cream: Replace the water with heavy cream or half-and-half for a richer, more indulgent bread. This works well for soft dinner rolls or enriched doughs.
  • Soy Milk Powder: Soy milk powder has a similar nutrient profile to cow’s milk powder and can be used as a direct 1:1 substitute by weight.


  1. Adjust Liquid Ratios: If you’re using a liquid substitute for dry milk, such as almond, soy, or oat milk, remember to reduce the amount of water or other liquids in the recipe accordingly to maintain the right dough consistency.
  2. Experiment with Flavors: Different milk substitutes will impart unique flavors to your bread. For example, coconut milk powder can add a subtle coconut aroma, while almond milk powder may introduce a nutty taste. Consider the flavor profile you desire in your final product when selecting a substitute.
  3. Watch the Sugar Content: Some milk substitutes, especially commercial plant-based milks, may contain added sugars. This can affect the yeast activity and the bread’s flavor, so adjust the added sugar in your recipe if necessary.
  4. Consider Nutritional Differences: The nutritional content of your bread will vary depending on the substitute used. For instance, soy milk powder might add more protein, while coconut milk powder could increase fat content. Choose a substitute that aligns with your dietary preferences and nutritional needs.
  5. Temperature Matters: For recipes requiring yeast, ensure your liquid substitute is at the right temperature (typically around 110°F or 45°C) to activate the yeast without killing it. This is particularly important if you’re substituting dry milk with a warm liquid.
  6. Storage Impact: Some substitutes may affect the shelf life of your bread. Plant-based milks can result in bread that stales faster than those made with dairy milk or dry milk powder. Consider consuming the bread within a few days or storing it in the freezer for longer freshness.
  7. Dough Consistency: Each substitute will interact differently with your flour and other ingredients, potentially affecting the dough’s hydration and elasticity. Be prepared to make slight adjustments to the flour or liquid quantities as you knead to achieve the right dough texture.
  8. Nut Allergies and Dietary Restrictions: Be mindful of allergies and dietary restrictions when choosing and using milk substitutes, especially when baking for others. Nut-based powders, like almond milk powder, may not be suitable for everyone.
  9. Try Small Batches First: If you’re experimenting with a new substitute, consider making a smaller batch first to test the outcome before committing to a large quantity. This allows you to adjust the recipe as needed without wasting ingredients.
  10. Patience is Key: Bread-making is as much an art as it is a science. Don’t be discouraged if your first few attempts don’t turn out as expected. Take notes, make adjustments, and enjoy the process of creating and learning.


Serving: 156Calories: 132kcalCarbohydrates: 24.2gProtein: 4.6gFat: 1.8gSaturated Fat: 0.5gPolyunsaturated Fat: 0.4gMonounsaturated Fat: 0.7gCholesterol: 2mgSodium: 147mgPotassium: 67mgFiber: 1.1gSugar: 2.1gVitamin A: 49IUCalcium: 37mgIron: 1.4mg
Keyword substitute for dry milk in bread
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By Marria Beklavac Owner
Hey there! I'm Marria Beklavac, a barista by trade and a cook by heart. My culinary journey started at 12, inspired by my grandpa, who first introduced me to the wonders of cooking. His passion sparked mine, leading me to a life where each meal is an adventure. In Terra's Kitchen, I blend my love for coffee with my zeal for cooking to share my culinary exploits with you. This blog is my space to share the joys, discoveries, and lessons from my kitchen to yours. Welcome aboard – let's cook up some magic together!