10 Best Ways to Cook a Steak Without a Grill or Cast Iron Skillet

Marria Beklavac By Marria Beklavac

Who says you need a grill or cast iron skillet to cook a perfect steak? With a sprinkle of creativity and some kitchen basics, you can master the art of steak preparation.

Whether it’s using the broiler for a charred finish or trying sous vide for precision, each method has its secret to unlocking incredible flavors.

Let’s uncover these techniques together, making your next steak not just a meal, but a culinary triumph.

1. Pan Searing and Oven Finishing

To cook a steak to perfection without using a grill or skillet, begin by pan-searing it on both sides in a hot stainless steel skillet, then finish the cooking process in a preheated oven.

This technique ensures your steak has a delightful crust, full of flavor, while the oven carefully cooks the inside to your desired level of doneness.

Start by setting your oven to 400°F (204°C) and heating your skillet on high. Dry your steak with paper towels and sprinkle liberally with salt and pepper.

Once the skillet is very hot, place your steak in it, searing for about 2-3 minutes on each side until it achieves a golden-brown color. Then, promptly transfer the skillet to your oven.

The cooking time in the oven, ranging from 5-10 minutes, will depend on how thick your steak is, aiming for a medium-rare finish.

It’s crucial to use a meat thermometer to check for the perfect temperature. After taking it out of the oven, allow it to rest for a short period.

This method transforms the simple act of cooking into a delightful journey. Each forkful brings a burst of warmth and satisfaction, turning an ordinary meal into a memorable dining experience.

2. Broiling

Broiling offers a clever technique to simulate the results of grilling within the confines of your kitchen, using the high heat from your oven’s broiler.

This method ensures your steak develops a delicious crust, similar to what you’d achieve with an outdoor grill, without the need for specialized equipment.

Here’s how to excel in broiling your steak to perfection:

  • Heat your broiler: Ensure your oven’s broiler is warmed up and ready. This step is essential as it replicates the intense heat of a grill.
  • Prepare your cooking surface: Opt for a heavy-duty skillet or a robust baking sheet. Heating your pan in advance is crucial for that perfect sear on your steak.
  • Keep an eye on it: Paying close attention is necessary when broiling. Watch your steak and flip it at the halfway mark to guarantee a uniform char and to avoid overcooking.

This technique not only enhances the flavors of your steak but also fills you with a sense of achievement as you master broiling.

It shows your ingenuity and versatility in the kitchen, transforming a simple meal into an extraordinary dining experience. So, prepare your ingredients and get ready to broil!

3. Sous Vide and Searing

If you’re targeting steak perfection, merging sous vide cooking with a rapid sear brings unmatched precision and flavor. Sous vide, or ‘under vacuum,’ entails vacuum-sealing your steak and immersing it in a water bath at a precise, controlled temperature.

This technique ensures your steak achieves the ideal internal temperature without the risk of overcooking. After it has reached perfection internally, a quick sear in a hot pan with oil creates a delicious, flavorful crust.

This dual-step approach ensures a steak that’s uniformly cooked from edge to edge, accompanied by a delectable sear that you might have assumed was only achievable on a grill or in a cast-iron skillet.

Here’s a straightforward guide to begin:

Sous VideCook your steak in a water bath at the desired temperature until it achieves your preferred level of doneness.
SearingRapidly sear the steak in a hot pan with oil to achieve a golden, delicious crust.
RestingAllow your steak to rest for a few minutes before cutting to preserve its juices.

Adopt this method, and you’ll soon be preparing steaks that not only taste as if they’re from a luxurious steakhouse but also elevate your culinary skills in your own kitchen.

4. Reverse Sear

By gently roasting your steak at a low temperature in the oven, you’ll ensure it reaches the ideal internal temperature before you finish it off with a sear in a hot pan for that perfect crust.

This method, known as reverse searing, is perfect for steak lovers seeking precision and depth of flavor without using a grill or cast iron skillet.

Here’s how to perfect the technique:

  • Preheat your oven to a low setting, around 200-275°F (93-135°C). This mild heat allows your steak to cook uniformly, preventing the overcooked edges often encountered with high-heat methods.
  • Monitor your steak’s internal temperature with a meat thermometer. Target about 10-15°F (5-8°C) below your desired final temperature, as the searing process will increase it to the ideal level.
  • Warm a pan on high after your steak reaches its target internal temperature. A quick sear on each side yields a beautifully browned crust that contrasts with the tender, uniformly cooked interior.

Reverse searing is more than a cooking method; it’s a path to the essence of what makes steak so appealing. It’s about dedicating time to ensure every bite is as flavorful, tender, and moist as you deserve.

5. Oven Roasting

Preheating your oven to a high heat, typically around 400-450°F (204-232°C), prepares it for oven roasting. This method ensures a juicy and evenly cooked steak with a delicious crust, achieved by using a rack over a baking sheet and flipping the steak once.

This approach connects you with a community of home cooks who appreciate the simplicity and elegance of preparing an impeccable steak without needing specialized tools.

Begin by drying your steak and covering it thoroughly with salt, pepper, or your favorite spice mix. The intense heat from the preheated oven creates a rich, caramelized surface while keeping the steak’s natural juices intact.

Placing the steak on a rack allows for air to circulate around the meat, ensuring a uniform cook and a crust that’s exceptionally crisp.

Halfway through the cooking time, turn the steak to ensure both sides develop an even crust, a key step for that restaurant-quality appearance that makes each bite a pleasure. Once cooking is complete, allow your steak to rest before cutting.

This process isn’t just about cooking; it’s about creating moments of connection over a meal prepared with attention and affection.

6. Stovetop Pan Searing

For a beautifully crusted steak, begin by heating a heavy-duty skillet over the stove until it’s extremely hot. Next, carefully add your steak to the pan to cook for a few minutes on each side.

This technique is ideal for those nights when you’re craving the rich, savory flavor of a grilled steak but don’t have the luxury of a grill or a cast iron skillet. By adhering to several key steps, you can achieve that appealing crust and tender interior directly on your stovetop.

  • Allow the steak to reach room temperature before cooking to ensure it heats evenly.
  • Avoid crowding the pan; if necessary, cook one steak at a time to ensure proper searing.
  • Flip the steak only once to allow a crust to form without interruption.

7. Stovetop to Oven

Begin on the stovetop by searing your steak in a hot skillet, then move it to a preheated oven to achieve the perfect finish.

This technique combines the powerful sear from a hot pan with the consistent, mild heat of an oven, guaranteeing your steak is caramelized on the exterior while staying soft and juicy within.

Start by preheating your oven to a high setting—400°F is ideal for most steaks. While it warms up, sprinkle your steak liberally with salt and pepper. Next, heat a heavy, oven-proof skillet on the stove over high heat until very hot.

Pour a bit of oil into the skillet, then place your steak in the pan, allowing it to sear undisturbed for a few minutes to form that tasty, flavorful crust everyone loves.

After attaining a golden sear, flip the steak and promptly place the skillet into your preheated oven. The duration in the oven will vary based on how you like your steak, but a short time should be enough for a medium-rare finish.

Keep in mind, the steak will keep cooking for a bit after being removed from the oven, so let it rest for a few minutes before cutting.

This technique not only yields a steak that can rival the best steakhouse offerings but also creates an occasion that brings people together over a meal made with care and precision.

8. Electric Griddle

Transitioning from oven usage to countertop innovation, utilizing an electric griddle introduces a dynamic method for preparing your steak, guaranteeing uniform cooking and an appealing brown exterior on both sides.

This process transcends mere meal preparation; it’s about crafting an inviting atmosphere in your kitchen.

Here’s the method for achieving an impeccable steak with your electric griddle:

  • Heat your griddle to a high temperature before starting. Achieving a tantalizing sear that seals in the juices requires a hot surface. Ensure the griddle is adequately heated before placing your steak on it.
  • Liberally apply your preferred spices to the steak. Don’t hesitate to use liberal amounts of spices. Whether opting for a classic salt and pepper combination or a more complex blend, this step guarantees your steak will be rich in flavor.
  • Turn it once during cooking. Allow your steak ample time on each side to form a perfect crust. This isn’t merely cooking; it’s an art form.

9. Stovetop Steaming

Venturing into an offbeat yet efficient method, steaming your steak on the stovetop with a minimal amount of liquid in a covered pan yields a tender result, though without the conventional crust.

This method, often not considered, unveils a distinct, succulent flavor and a buttery texture that’s utterly delightful. It’s ideal for those nights when you’re in the mood for something unique or when you want to surprise guests with your culinary skills.

Start by selecting a steak cut suitable for moist cooking techniques—options like flank or round are excellent choices. The pan must have a tight-fitting lid to keep the steam enclosed with the steak.

Just a dash of beef broth, wine, or water added to the pan, allowing the steam to softly cook the steak to your preferred level of doneness is all it takes. The principle here is low and slow; allowing time will yield a steak that’s both tender and moist.

Although you miss out on the crisp exterior that grilling or searing provides, steaming introduces a novel range of textures and tastes.

It proves that being a steak enthusiast isn’t solely about sticking to traditional practices; it’s about discovering all the delightful possibilities.

10. Slow Cooker

For an exceptionally tender steak, consider searing it first to enhance its flavors before transferring to a slow cooker, where it will gently cook to perfection.

This method merges the benefits of a rich, caramelized crust from searing with the fall-apart tenderness that comes from slow cooking.

You’re not just preparing a meal; you’re creating a culinary delight that will be the highlight of your dinner table.

Here’s how to make it happen:

  • Sear the steak: Heat a pan to a high temperature and quickly brown all sides of your steak. This step not only deepens its flavor but also provides that sought-after crust.
  • Season generously: Before placing your steak in the slow cooker, apply a liberal amount of salt, pepper, or your preferred steak spices. These will permeate the meat during cooking, ensuring each bite is flavorful.
  • Low and slow: Adjust your slow cooker to a low setting and allow the steak to cook gradually. This method guarantees that the steak becomes tender without losing its moisture or taste.
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By Marria Beklavac Owner
Hey there! I'm Marria Beklavac, a barista by trade and a cook by heart. My culinary journey started at 12, inspired by my grandpa, who first introduced me to the wonders of cooking. His passion sparked mine, leading me to a life where each meal is an adventure. In Terra's Kitchen, I blend my love for coffee with my zeal for cooking to share my culinary exploits with you. This blog is my space to share the joys, discoveries, and lessons from my kitchen to yours. Welcome aboard – let's cook up some magic together!